Activity Search Call


Returns the SMA Universe data.

Request Example

 curl --compressed --data "api_key=***3c1397f109dd7123515b49b8b74e9a263***&function=search" ",s,svolume&dates=datetime+eq+recent&frequency=1d&sort=active+desc&format=json" 
        ini_set('display_errors', 1);
        $func = 'search';
        $key = "0526f4275xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4432ae2c35dd7";
        $ontology = "stockactivity";
        $terms = "active,s,svolume";
        $dates = "datetime+eq+recent";
        $sort = "active+desc,s+desc,svolume+desc";
        $url = "" . $ontology . "&items=" . $terms . "&dates=" . $dates . "&sort" . $sort;
        $jsonData = array(
            'api_key' => $key,
            'function' => $func);
        try {
            $ch = curl_init($url);
            if (FALSE === $ch) {
                throw new Exception('failed to initialize');
            //security issues?
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonData);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            $result = curl_exec($ch);
            if (FALSE === $result) {
                throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
                            'Curl failed with error #%d: %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()), E_USER_ERROR);
       api_key = "******86e961c2f130c8b0df45940df9******"
   response = "", {
          'function' => 'search',
          'api_key'  => api_key,
          'subject'  => 'all',
          'ontology' => 'stockactivity',
          'items'    => 'active,s,svolume',
          'dates'    => 'datetime+eq+recent',
          'limit'    => '10',
          'filter'   => 'active+eq+1',
          'sort'     => 'active+desc,s+desc,svolume+desc'
   body = JSON.parse(response.body_str) 

 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package sma_api_ex;
public class SMA_API_ex {
    private final static String USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0";
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String key = "0526f4275xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4432ae2c35dd7";
        String ontology = "stockactivity";
        String terms = "active,s,svolume";
        String dates = "datetime+eq+recent";
        String sort = "active+desc,s+desc,svolume+desc";
        String url = "" + ontology + "&items=" + terms + "&dates=" + dates + "&sort" + sort;
        URL obj = new URL(url);
        HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
        con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
        con.setRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5");
        String urlParameters = "api_key=" + key + "&function=search";
        // Send post request
        DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(con.getOutputStream());
        int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
        if (responseCode != 200) {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
        String inputLine;
        StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

  char *key = "0526f4275xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4432ae2c35dd7";
  char *ontology = "stockactivity";
  char *terms = "s";
  char *dates = "datetime+eq+recent";
  char *sort = "s+desc";
  char url[1042];
  char pfields[1024];  
  CURL *curl;
  curl = curl_easy_init();
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, pfields);
  char *a=curl_easy_perform(curl);
  char *b=curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
import urllib
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import json
# Tries to open the url with the params through the method specified
key = "0526f4275xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4432ae2c35dd7";
function = "search"
ontology = "stockactivity";
terms = "s,svolume";
dates = "datetime+eq+recent";
sort = "s+desc,svolume+asc";
method = "POST"
parms = {"api_key": key,"function": function}
urlParameters = "api_key=" + key + "&function=search";
url = "" + ontology + "&items=" + terms + "&dates=" + dates + "&sort" + sort+"?api_key"
values = {'api_key' : key,
          'function' : function }
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values)
data = data.encode('utf-8') # data should be bytes
req = urllib.request.Request(url, data)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
content =
json_data = json.loads(content.decode("utf-8"))


Response Example

        "response": {
        "tokendetails": {
        "api_token": "123297932bcbb31235802df7d474123",
        "function": "search",
        "request_quota_remaining": 179,
        "expires": "2016-09-23 07:40:31",
        "ip_address": "",
        "records_quota_remaining": 64990
        "search_params": {
        "format": "json",
        "subject": "all",
        "ontology": "stockactivity",
        "items": "active,s,svolume",
        "dates": "datetime eq recent",
        "frequency": "1d",
        "cycle": "",
        "filter": "",
        "sort": "active desc",
        "domain": "finance",
        "limit": "10",
        "timezone": "US\/Eastern",
        "received": "2016-09-23 08:25:31",
        "completed": "2016-09-23 08:25:31"
        "data": [
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "AAPL",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0808",
        "svolume": "3"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "OCLR",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "PG",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "RHT",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "SNE",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "SPSC",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "SYMC",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "TSLA",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "TWTR",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "-0.2033",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:25:00",
        "subject": "V",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.4332",
        "svolume": "5"
        "response": {
        "tokendetails": {
        "api_token": "123297932bcbb31235802df7d474d123",
        "function": "search",
        "request_quota_remaining": 178,
        "expires": "2016-09-23 07:40:31",
        "ip_address": "",
        "records_quota_remaining": 64980
        "search_params": {
        "format": "json",
        "subject": "all",
        "ontology": "stockactivity",
        "items": "active,s,svolume",
        "dates": "datetime eq recent",
        "frequency": "1d",
        "cycle": "",
        "filter": "",
        "sort": "active desc",
        "domain": "finance",
        "limit": "10",
        "timezone": "US\/Eastern",
        "received": "2016-09-23 08:27:45",
        "completed": "2016-09-23 08:27:45"
        "data": [
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:27:00",
        "subject": "AMZN",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "-0.1241",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:27:00",
        "subject": "VRX",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "-0.0470",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:27:00",
        "subject": "VOD",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:27:00",
        "subject": "TWTR",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "datetime": "2016-09-23 08:27:00",
        "subject": "TRU",
        "active": "1",
        "s": "0.0000",
        "svolume": "1"
        "warnings": [
        "warning_id": 4005,
        "warning_message": "Item list contains incorrect item(s) based on the selected ontology. ",
        "incorrect_items": [
        "response": {
        "tokendetails": {
        "api_token": "33a4b798bc6ac9bcd4ab8aedf16687f2",
        "function": "search",
        "request_quota_remaining": "180",
        "expires": "2013-11-01 03:07:37",
        "ip_address": "",
        "records_quota_remaining": "100"
        "search_params": {
        "subject": "all",
        "ontology": "ticker",
        "items": "sscore,smean,sbuzz",
        "dates": "datetime eq recent",
        "frequency": "",
        "filter": "",
        "sort": "sscore desc,smean desc,sbuzz desc1",
        "domain": "finance",
        "format": "json",
        "limit": "10",
        "received": "2013-11-01 03:07:43",
        "completed": "2013-11-01 03:07:43"
        "error": {
        "error_code": 2115,
        "error_message": "Invalid sort",
        "description": "Specified sort is invalid. Default sort pattern is descending in order specified on items list. Items in sort pattern must appear on items list. Sort order must be either asc or desc.",
        "invalid_params": {
        "type": "sort",
        "params": [
        "sbuzz desc1"


Parameters Required Description
key string API level Parameter required

Key must be sent using POST method. Key parameter is required to call the API.

function string API level Parameter required

Function must be sent using POST method. Function parameter is required to tell the API which function needs to be called.

subject string required

Subject parameter is directly dependent on ontology parameter.

  • stockactivity: Vaild SMA universe Stock.
  • futureactivity: Vaild SMA universe Future.
  • forexactivity: Vaild SMA universe Forex.
  • etfactivity: Vaild SMA universe ETF.
  • cryptoactivity: Vaild SMA universe Crypto.

Multiple values are accepted. Only Comma separated values are allowed.

ontology string optional

Possible ontologies are stockactivity, futureactivity, forexactivity, etfactivity, and cryptoactivity. Ontology parameter is case sensitive. API shall return error for more than 1 ontology in a request.

Note that cryptoactivity search calls are reachable at, the other ontologies are reachable at

Default value for ontology is stockactivity.

items string optional

Items available are ontology specific. Activity items are svolume, sdispersion,s, raws, companyname, sector, industry,description and active. Items parameter is case sensitive.

Multiple items values can be specified by providing a Comma delimited list. For example: "items=s1mr_s,s1mr_raws,s1mr_sdispersion".

"s1mr_" items show 1 Minute Activity, and "s15mr_" items show 15 Minute Activity.

Default value of items is s1mr_s,s1mr_raws,s1mr_sdispersion.

  1 Minute Rated (Prefix => s1mr_ )
(i.e   s1mr_svloume)
15 Minute Rated (Prefix => s15mr_ )
(i.e   s15mr_svloume)
dates string optional

Possible value is either a specific datetime or range of datetimes. For datetime range, provide Start and End datetime. Possible date operators are lt, le, gt, ge and eq. Dates parameter is case sensitive.

Plus (+) signs can be used to format the dates parameter for a request.

Start and End datetime values are separated by Comma.

Ex (Specific datetime): dates=datetime+ge+201310290000
Ex (Range): dates=datetime+ge+201310210000,datetime+lt+201310300000

Default value for dates is datetime+eq+recent.

frequency string optional

Possible frequencies are 1d, 1h, 30m,15m and 1m. Frequency parameter is case sensitive.

Default value for frequency is 1m.

cycle (deprecated) string optional

Cycle parameter is directly dependent on frequency parameter. Cycle parameter must be less than or equal to frequency parameter. API shall return error for more than 1 cycle in a request.

Cycle is used in conjunction with frequency to specify the exact buckets to return. For a 15 minute frequency, there are 15 unique cycles.

Cycle of bucket = bucket time % frequency

To return Social Market Analytics standard 15 minute buckets, at 10, 25, 40 and 55 minutes past the hour, use: frequency=15m&cycle=10m.

To return 15 minute buckets on the quarter hours use: frequency=15m&cycle=0m.

Multiple cycles can also be added: frequency=1d&cycle=1h,10m.

Possible cycles values is numeric value with m, h or d suffix. Cycle parameter is case sensitive.


filter string optional

Possible filters are svolume, sdispersion,s, raws, companyname, sector, industry,description and active. Possible filter operators are lt, le, gt, ge and eq. Filter parameter is case sensitive.

Multiple values are accepted. Only Comma separated values are allowed.

Plus (+) signs can be used to format the filter parameter for a request.

Ex (Single filter value): svolume+lt+3
Ex (Multiple filter values): sdispersion+lt+3,svolume+gt+3

Some filters are not allowed with specific ontologies. Check "items" section for more information.

sort string optional

Sort parameter is directly dependent on items parameter with addition of asc or desc direction. Sort parameter is case sensitive.

Multiple values are accepted. Only Comma separated values are allowed.

Plus (+) signs can be used to format the sort parameter for a request.

Ex (Single sort value): sscore is selected Items parameter, and for sort value score is concatenated with either asc or desc. Possible sort value shall be sscore+desc or sscore+asc.
Ex (Multiple sort values): sscore,smean and sbuzz are selected Items parameter, and for sort value all selected items shall be concatenated with either asc or desc. Possible sort values are sscore+desc,smean+asc,sbuzz+desc.

Default values for sort parameter is based on items parameter. All selected items parameter shall be concatenated with desc.

Default values for items are sscore,sbuzz,sdispersion then possible sort default values shall be sscore+desc,sbuzz+desc,sdispersion+desc.

domain string optional

Possible domain values are finance and stocktwits.

finance: to access Twitter feed

stocktwits: to access StockTwits feed

Default value for domain is finance.

format string optional

Possible format values are json and xml.

Default value for format is json.

limit integer optional

The limit parameter constrains the maximum number of records returned by a query.

Possible limit value is any positive integer. Maximum allowed limit is 10000.

Default value for limit is 10.

timezone string optional

The default time zone is ‘US/Eastern’ or ‘America/New_York’. This parameter can be used to choose the time zone of the API query. The returned data datetime will be reported for this time zone as well.

Return Value
JSON Array Response JSON array shall contain error (optional), API token details, search parameters and resultant data.
response Array
tokendetails array Provide the information about API internal handshaking mechanism.
api_token string Token for internal handshaking.
function string API function.
request_quota_remaining integer Number of requests left for the current token.
expires datetime Date & time at which, token shall expire.
ip_address string IP address used by the current token.
records_quota_remaining integer Number of records left for the current token.
search_params array Provide the function parameters.
subject string API search function parameter.
ontologystring API search function parameter.
itemsstring API search function parameter.
datesstring API search function parameter.
frequencystring API search function parameter.
cyclestring API search function parameter.
filterstring API search function parameter.
sort string API search function parameter.
domainstring API search function parameter.
formatstring API search function parameter.
json string API search function parameter.
limit integer API search function parameter.
timezone string API search function parameter.
received string Date & time when request is received.
completed string Date & time when request is completed.
data array Provide the resultant data.
datetime string Date & time of the record.
subject string Subject provided in function parameter.
items string Items provided in function items parameter.
warnings array Provide the information about warnings.
warning_codestring Warning code number.
warning_message string Warning message.
invalid_terms array Only available when subject list contains unrecognized term(s).
incorrect_items array Only available when item list contains incorrect item(s) based on the selected ontology.
incorrect_filters array Only available when filter list contains incorrect item(s) based on the selected ontology.
incorrect_sorts array Only available when sort list contains invalid item(s) based on the selected ontology.
prohibitied_items array Only available when item list contains prohibitied item(s) based on your item(s) licence.
prohibitied_filters array Only available when filter list contains prohibitied item(s) based on your item(s) licence.
prohibitied_sorts array Only available when sort list contains prohibitied item(s) based on on your item(s) licence.
error array Provide the information about error.
error_codestring Error code number.
error_message string Error message.
description string Detailed error message.
invalid_params array
typestring Search Error parameter.
params array Search Error parameter value.


Code Message Description
1000 Authentication error Authentication error
1001 Forbidden Forbidden
1002 Your API access is suspended Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges.
1003 Secure connection required. Please use https to connect API requests must be made with https, not http.
1004 Must use POST to send API key & function For security purposes, API requires that key and function be sent via POST.
1005 Your API seat access is suspended Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges.
1011 API key is missing An API key is required to access service.
1012 Invalid API key API key is not recognized. Please verify your API key.
1013 Expired API token Expired API token
1014 Invalid API token Token is not valid for this API function.
1015 Invalid API token Token is not valid for this client.
1016 Your ontology access is suspended Your access on given ontology is suspended. Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges.
1017 Your item access is suspended Your access on given item(s) is suspended. Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges.
1018 Your API params settings are disabled Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges.
1050 Gone. API endpoint is not available API URL has changed.
1019 Your domain access is suspended Your access on given domain is suspended. Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges.
1100 Quota exceeded Quota exceeded
1101 Request limit exceeded You have exceeded your request limit. Please contact support if you wish to increase your limit.
1102 Subject limit exceeded You have exceeded your subject limit. Please contact support if you wish to increase your limit.
1103 Record limit exceeded You have exceeded your record limit. Please contact support if you wish to increase your limit.
1110 Exceeded number of clients Please contact support to increase the number of clients licensed to use this API key.
2000 Missing required parameter Missing required parameter
2001 API function required API function is required to get response from API. Valid function value is search.
2011 Ontology is required Ontology is missing. Possible ontologies are ticker, index, universe, future, forex, etf, stockactivity, forexactivity, futureactivity, and etfactivity.
2012 Subject is required Subject is missing. Subject choices depend on ontology.
2013 Items are required Items are missing. Possible items are sscore, smean, sbuzz, svolume, sdelta, sdispersion, svolatility, svmean, svscore, s, svvolatility, raws, rawsscore, rawsmean, rawsvolatility, srank, companyname, sector, industry, active, description, raws50, rawsmean50, rawsvolatility50, rawsscore50, rawsaccel50, rawsvelocity50, raws200, rawsmean200, rawsvolatility200, rawsscore200, rawsaccel200 and rawsvelocity200.
2100 Syntax error Syntax error
2101 Unknown parameter Unknown parameter
2111 Invalid domain The domain is not recognized. Domain must be finance.
2112 Invalid ontology The ontology is not recognized. Ontology must be one of ticker, index, universe, future, forex, etf, stockactivity, futureactivity, forexactivity, etfactivity.
2113 Invalid subject A subject is not recognized. Please review valid subject choices for your chosen ontology.
2114 Invalid item A provided item is not recognized. Valid items are sscore, smean, sbuzz, svolume, sdelta, sdispersion, svolatility, svmean, svscore, s, svvolatility, raws, rawsscore, rawsmean, rawsvolatility, srank, companyname, sector, industry, active, description, raws50, rawsmean50, rawsvolatility50, rawsscore50, rawsaccel50, rawsvelocity50, raws200, rawsmean200, rawsvolatility200, rawsscore200, rawsaccel200 and rawsvelocity200.
2115 Invalid sort Specified sort is invalid. Default sort pattern is descending in order specified on items list. Items in sort pattern must appear on items list. Sort order must be either asc or desc.
2116 Invalid frequency Your specified frequency is not recognized. Possible frequencies are 1d, 1h, 30m and 15m.
2117 Invalid filter Your provided filter is not recognized. Results can be filtered on sscore, smean, sbuzz, svolume, sdelta, sdispersion, svolatility, svmean, svscore, s, svvolatility, raws, rawsscore, rawsmean, rawsvolatility, srank, companyname, sector, industry, active, description, raws50, rawsmean50, rawsvolatility50, rawsscore50, rawsaccel50, rawsvelocity50, raws200, rawsmean200, rawsvolatility200, rawsscore200, rawsaccel200 and rawsvelocity200. Logical operators are lt, le, gt, ge and eq.
2118 Invalid limit The limit specified is not recognized. Limit must be an integer. Limit value should be between 1 and 15000, inclusive.
2119 Invalid format Your provided format is not recognized. Valid formats are json and xml.
2120 Invalid date Your date parameter is invalid. Default pattern is (datetime+eq+recent). Valid logical operators are lt, le, gt, ge and eq. Valid date formats are YYYYMMDD and YYYYMMDDHHII.
2121 Invalid API function Your specified function is not recognized. Valid function value is search.
2122 Invalid time zone The specified time-zone is not recognized.
2123 Invalid cycle Cycle is not recognized. Valid cycle format is a numeric value with m, h or d suffix.
2124 Invalid cycle Cycle requires frequency to be set.
2125 Invalid cycle Cycle must be less than or equal to frequency.
2126 Prohibitied Item(s) Provided item(s) access is prohibitied. Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges.
2127 Prohibitied Filter(s) Provided filter(s) access is prohibitied. Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges.
2128 Prohibitied Sort(s) Provided sort(s) access is prohibitied. Please contact support for instructions on how to gain access privileges..
2129 Invalid domain The ontology is not associated with the provided domain.
2201 Only one domain may be present in a request Only one domain may be present in a request
2202 Only one ontology may be present in a request Only one ontology may be present in a request
2203 No custom list found No user custom list found in our records. Please verify your custom list on our site.
3000 Internal Error Your API call resulted in an internal server error. Please verify your parameters. If this error persists, please contact support.
3001 Service Unavailable. Api is down or being upgraded Service is temporarily unavailable. Api is down or being upgraded. If this error persists, please contact support.
3002 Server capacity exceeded Server capacity exceeded
3003 Database server is down. We expect to be back shortly Database server is down. We expect to be back shortly. Please contact support if problem persists.
3103 Gateway timeout. Please try again Gateway timeout. Please try again
4001 Invalid file type, please select valid file (i.e., html, txt, pdf) We have uploaded the file, however, this file type is not supported
4002 Invalid document date Invalid document date, Valid date formats is M-d-Y (e.g. Jul-24-2019)
4003 Invalid document id Document id should be alpha numeric
4004 Tracking code Tracking code is missing
4005 Invalid tracking code The provided tracking code is not valid
4006 Document date is required Required parameters are document_date, document_id, document_type, company_name)
4007 Document id is required Required parameters are document_date, document_id, document_type, company_name)
4008 Document type is required Required parameters are document_date, document_id, document_type, company_name)
4009 Company name is required Required parameters are document_date, document_id, document_type, company_name)
4010 Comment is required comment parameter is required)
4011 Company ID is required Company ID parameter is required)
4012 Reprocessed Files No reprocessed file found
4013 Document ID is required Document ID is required and should be alpha numeric!
4014 Company ID is required Company ID (cik) is required and should be numeric!
4015 Empty No document found against this criteria!
4016 Countrycode Max length Countrycode should not be greater than 15 characters
4017 Language Max length Language should not be greater than 20 characters
4018 Invalid JSON JSON is either invalid or null.
4019 No Data Symbol does not have sufficient activity to derive requested metric
4020 Internal Error Your API call resulted in an internal server error. Please verify your parameters. If this error persists, please contact support.
4021 Document ID is required The document ids are missing or validation for the provided document ids are failed.


Code Subject
4000 Symbol does not have sufficient activity to derive requested metric
4001 Your record limit is changed due to short record limit.
4002 Subject list contains unrecognized term(s).
4003 Filter list contains incorrect items(s) based on the selected ontology.
4004 Sort list contains incorrect item(s) based on the selected ontology.
4005 Item list contains incorrect item(s) based on the selected ontology.
4006 Item list contains prohibitied item(s).
4007 Sort list contains prohibitied item(s).
4008 Filter list contains prohibitied item(s).
4009 We have disabled sorting with multiple ordering to achieve better efficiency. The current applied order is